I'm going to run a marathon!
Yes, I think I might be crazy but I'm only going to do one. It's in December and I'm training- running long on the weekends. I'm following Jeff Galloway's marathon training schedule found here: http://www.jeffgalloway.com/training/marathon.html which has me running 30min. on Tuesdays and Thursdays and a longer run on the weekends.
The race is in Charlotte- The Thunder Road Marathon. I am a bit nervous but I am really proud of myself for going for it. My New Year's resolution was to run a 10K (just over 6 miles) and I did that back in April with one of my best friends. Then in June I ran 10 miles with one of my sisters. No one is willing or able to join me for the marathon yet, but I won't let that stop me. I am taking it one run at a time.
Friday, August 29, 2008
E-therapy: 8 ways to be a better blogger
Experts agree that blogging (maintaining a website online where you post updates or commentary) can be therapeutic. Writing helps us process our feelings, as well as communicate with others. So how can you improve the quality of your writing to make it even more enjoyable for yourself and your readers? Here are eight tips.
Define your purpose. Why are you writing your blog? To stay in touch with others? To express a point of view? Exchange information? Is it more of an online journal or a commentary for issues and trends? Whatever your purpose, keep it consistent to manage expectations and keep your readers coming back.
Know your audience. Understanding who you’re writing to will help shape an appropriate voice and writing style, be it straightforward, witty, conversational or authoritative.
Engage your readers. Create a strong connection with those who read your blog. Tell them who you are (you don’t have to use your real name) and relate something interesting about yourself. Interact with them through comments and answer their questions. Add photos to your posts. Use photos to add visual interest and to deliver a more powerful impact than just words.
Mix up your approach. Keep readers interested by varying how you deliver information in your posts. Some ideas include: a post that examines the pros and cons of an issue, a post that is inspirational, a post that interviews an interesting figure, or a post about current events in your niche.
Keep it brief. Most readers have short attention spans, so keep it simple, tight and interesting. Don’t feel like you have to write a lengthy tome. If you do have a lot to say, break it up into smaller paragraphs and make it easy to skim with subheads or bullet points.
Provide links to other helpful sites/information. Good blogs expand their readers’ world through outbound links. Link to other bloggers, articles and sites that you feel will provide added value to your readers.
Proofread and edit yourself tirelessly. Because blogging is so personal, some people don’t bother to review what they’ve written before hitting “Post.” Take the extra 10 minutes to hit spell check and eliminate run-on sentences. Your readers will thank you for it.
Taken from Carepages.com (http://cms.carepages.com/CarePages/en/ArticlesTips/HelpfulTips/BetterYou/e_therapy.html?ipc=nlsept_aby_1)
Experts agree that blogging (maintaining a website online where you post updates or commentary) can be therapeutic. Writing helps us process our feelings, as well as communicate with others. So how can you improve the quality of your writing to make it even more enjoyable for yourself and your readers? Here are eight tips.
Define your purpose. Why are you writing your blog? To stay in touch with others? To express a point of view? Exchange information? Is it more of an online journal or a commentary for issues and trends? Whatever your purpose, keep it consistent to manage expectations and keep your readers coming back.
Know your audience. Understanding who you’re writing to will help shape an appropriate voice and writing style, be it straightforward, witty, conversational or authoritative.
Engage your readers. Create a strong connection with those who read your blog. Tell them who you are (you don’t have to use your real name) and relate something interesting about yourself. Interact with them through comments and answer their questions. Add photos to your posts. Use photos to add visual interest and to deliver a more powerful impact than just words.
Mix up your approach. Keep readers interested by varying how you deliver information in your posts. Some ideas include: a post that examines the pros and cons of an issue, a post that is inspirational, a post that interviews an interesting figure, or a post about current events in your niche.
Keep it brief. Most readers have short attention spans, so keep it simple, tight and interesting. Don’t feel like you have to write a lengthy tome. If you do have a lot to say, break it up into smaller paragraphs and make it easy to skim with subheads or bullet points.
Provide links to other helpful sites/information. Good blogs expand their readers’ world through outbound links. Link to other bloggers, articles and sites that you feel will provide added value to your readers.
Proofread and edit yourself tirelessly. Because blogging is so personal, some people don’t bother to review what they’ve written before hitting “Post.” Take the extra 10 minutes to hit spell check and eliminate run-on sentences. Your readers will thank you for it.
Taken from Carepages.com (http://cms.carepages.com/CarePages/en/ArticlesTips/HelpfulTips/BetterYou/e_therapy.html?ipc=nlsept_aby_1)

Most of you know I am a penny pincher and proud of it. I don't work outside the home because of it. I know some of you also love to save money so I'm going to share some of my favorite money saving links & tips here today.
First, though, I want to share a blog that has a husband's point of view to being married to a couponaholic. You gotta read this: http://frugalinvirginia.blogspot.com/2008/08/i-married-couponaholic-5-ways-life-has.html to understand what it's like for my dear husband. :)
I read this blog regularly for great local shopping deals and for national samples and news about saving money. http://projects.newsobserver.com/taking_stock It's from my local newspaper and a great resource!
I get a lot of great links from her site, like this one about finding dollar bargains everywhere: http://www.walletpop.com/specials/dollar-bargains-from-everywhere-but-dollar-store?icid=100214839x1207694654x1200413935 ( I learned a lot from that one- bookmarked a bunch of webpages from that one).
I also read this great article after a link from the Taking Stock blog: http://finance.yahoo.com/banking-budgeting/article/105621/Fabulous-Freebies-2008 It's all about fabulous freebies! I know about most of them but do you? It's worth the time to read it for sure to find out.
Here's a blog all about saving money: http://www.smartspendingresources.com/articles.html
If you live in NC you have to go to this website for all the best local deals but it also has a link to freebies and samples that are great for everyone! You don't want to miss it: http://savvydollar.org/forums/index.php
I regularly print coupons for the grocery store but a lot of time the websites waste paper and ink so I print them from A Full Cup where it really saves both when printing those same coupons! Here's the link: http://www.afullcup.com/forums/cmps_index.php -be sure to look at the target coupon generator! It's great.
Another way I help out financially is by participating in focus groups. If you are in the Raleigh area, you should register with L&E Research (be sure to tell them I referred you!). They pay over $25 an hour usually (It depends on the focus group) for your opinion. I have a friend going tonight to a focus group on coffee (that's why I'm not going) and they are paying her $60 for an hour! Nice!
Want to know the cheapest days to buy certain items, like gas (who couldn't use that info right now)? Read this: http://finance.yahoo.com/family-home/article/103216/The-Cheapest-Days-to-Buy-Certain-Items
Here's a website similar to craigslist that I try if I can't find what I'm looking for right craigslist: http://raleigh.backpage.com/online/classifieds/index - there's links on this site for most major cities- just like craigslist.
Another way I save money is by being a mystery shopper (don't tell!) for Harris Teeter. If you have Harris Teeter stores near you- join up! It doesn't pay enough to do it full time, but it is enough to make it worth the effort when I'm already shopping there every week anyway! Here's the link: http://ht.baidata.com/index.norm.php It pays between $5 to $25 a visit and I know the questions they will ask before hand so I know what to do on my mystery shop and then after the shop I scan in and upload my receipt and answer the questions. I can request the jobs I want so I go shopping on those days (email me with any questions).
Oh, and for cute and free blog designs, check out The Cutest Blog on the Block or Leelou designs. Both give directions to update your blog easily.
Another way I save money is by shopping at thrift stores (like Goodwill) and at yard sales. My advice for newbies going out yardsaleing, is to look for newer neighborhoods with houses in the middle price range. These are the neighborhoods where you will have the best luck. They have most recently moved and cleared out of most of the junk that is not worth buying anyway and are usually redecorating, having kids (so they are getting rid of lots of great kid items) and aren't going to charge you a lot for their used stuff usually. The really expensive neighborhoods usually want more for their stuff because they paid full price for it when it was new and want half of that for it now that it's old, used and out of style (again, usually). The less expensive or older neighborhoods usually haven't got the higher quality or type of items I'm looking for. I'm not saying to skip them entirely, just save them for the end of the morning. The other advice I give is that the saying "The early bird gets the worm" really applies to yard sales. I'm out of the house and at the first yard sale before 7 am. The good stuff goes quickly! Another tip is to haggle! It only takes a second to ask if they will go lower and 90% of the time they WILL! Every dollar saved is a dollar I can spend at another yard sale! If you live in the area, or are going to visit, let me know if you want to come along to learn first hand how to yard sale! I'd love to have you join me.
Ok, I think that's enough advice from me for today. I'll get off my soapbox! Now, get out there and have fun saving money!
First, though, I want to share a blog that has a husband's point of view to being married to a couponaholic. You gotta read this: http://frugalinvirginia.blogspot.com/2008/08/i-married-couponaholic-5-ways-life-has.html to understand what it's like for my dear husband. :)
I read this blog regularly for great local shopping deals and for national samples and news about saving money. http://projects.newsobserver.com/taking_stock It's from my local newspaper and a great resource!
I get a lot of great links from her site, like this one about finding dollar bargains everywhere: http://www.walletpop.com/specials/dollar-bargains-from-everywhere-but-dollar-store?icid=100214839x1207694654x1200413935 ( I learned a lot from that one- bookmarked a bunch of webpages from that one).
I also read this great article after a link from the Taking Stock blog: http://finance.yahoo.com/banking-budgeting/article/105621/Fabulous-Freebies-2008 It's all about fabulous freebies! I know about most of them but do you? It's worth the time to read it for sure to find out.
Here's a blog all about saving money: http://www.smartspendingresources.com/articles.html
If you live in NC you have to go to this website for all the best local deals but it also has a link to freebies and samples that are great for everyone! You don't want to miss it: http://savvydollar.org/forums/index.php
I regularly print coupons for the grocery store but a lot of time the websites waste paper and ink so I print them from A Full Cup where it really saves both when printing those same coupons! Here's the link: http://www.afullcup.com/forums/cmps_index.php -be sure to look at the target coupon generator! It's great.
Another way I help out financially is by participating in focus groups. If you are in the Raleigh area, you should register with L&E Research (be sure to tell them I referred you!). They pay over $25 an hour usually (It depends on the focus group) for your opinion. I have a friend going tonight to a focus group on coffee (that's why I'm not going) and they are paying her $60 for an hour! Nice!
Want to know the cheapest days to buy certain items, like gas (who couldn't use that info right now)? Read this: http://finance.yahoo.com/family-home/article/103216/The-Cheapest-Days-to-Buy-Certain-Items
Here's a website similar to craigslist that I try if I can't find what I'm looking for right craigslist: http://raleigh.backpage.com/online/classifieds/index - there's links on this site for most major cities- just like craigslist.
Another way I save money is by being a mystery shopper (don't tell!) for Harris Teeter. If you have Harris Teeter stores near you- join up! It doesn't pay enough to do it full time, but it is enough to make it worth the effort when I'm already shopping there every week anyway! Here's the link: http://ht.baidata.com/index.norm.php It pays between $5 to $25 a visit and I know the questions they will ask before hand so I know what to do on my mystery shop and then after the shop I scan in and upload my receipt and answer the questions. I can request the jobs I want so I go shopping on those days (email me with any questions).
Oh, and for cute and free blog designs, check out The Cutest Blog on the Block or Leelou designs. Both give directions to update your blog easily.
Another way I save money is by shopping at thrift stores (like Goodwill) and at yard sales. My advice for newbies going out yardsaleing, is to look for newer neighborhoods with houses in the middle price range. These are the neighborhoods where you will have the best luck. They have most recently moved and cleared out of most of the junk that is not worth buying anyway and are usually redecorating, having kids (so they are getting rid of lots of great kid items) and aren't going to charge you a lot for their used stuff usually. The really expensive neighborhoods usually want more for their stuff because they paid full price for it when it was new and want half of that for it now that it's old, used and out of style (again, usually). The less expensive or older neighborhoods usually haven't got the higher quality or type of items I'm looking for. I'm not saying to skip them entirely, just save them for the end of the morning. The other advice I give is that the saying "The early bird gets the worm" really applies to yard sales. I'm out of the house and at the first yard sale before 7 am. The good stuff goes quickly! Another tip is to haggle! It only takes a second to ask if they will go lower and 90% of the time they WILL! Every dollar saved is a dollar I can spend at another yard sale! If you live in the area, or are going to visit, let me know if you want to come along to learn first hand how to yard sale! I'd love to have you join me.
Ok, I think that's enough advice from me for today. I'll get off my soapbox! Now, get out there and have fun saving money!
Last summer I would get up early and go running before my hubbie left for work. I did this a few times this year and pushed myself too hard and had a rough asthma attack. I took it easy to get over the asthma issues and switched medication but haven't gotten back to early morning running yet. I keep meaning to but each morning I get out voted! I'm going to keep trying though. One of these days I'll get lucky and then before I know it, early morning running will be a habit again. That's my belief anyway!

Most of my adult life I have been overweight. I wore a 14 in high school. My weight fluctuated, but after my youngest daughter was born I weighed over 250 lbs. After a few months, I had lost some of that fit into a size 14 but before long I was back to wearing a size 18. I had just turned 32 and was unhappy about it but didn't have any real plans on how to change things.
My youngest sister came over to bring me a birthday gift and we started talking about getting older and I told her that I had always wanted to run a 5K race. She agreed to train for one with me and we started working out. That's when I found out I had asthma. That started the weight loss and it has been two years and in that time I have gone from a size 18 to a size 6!
My birthday present this year was a cute pair of culottes from Banana Republic that are a size 6!!! They are adorable and I love it! I'm smaller than I have ever been and am very proud of the weight loss but most importantly I am healthy now. I have always set me goal for my weight based on my BMI (body mass index) which takes into account a person's height and weight. My BMI says I shouldn't weigh more than 178 lbs. After two years I have reached my goal of being in the healthy range for my BMI.
So, here are a few of the things that have helped me:
1. Get a buddy! I worked out first with my sister but later with my good friends. Now I have two more good friends working out with me regularly also. It keeps me from backing out when I'm tired if I made plans with friends to work out. It's more fun that way too!
2. Keep it interesting. Find different exercises that you enjoy. I regularly ride my bike, run, walk, do yoga, play basketball, swim and whatever else I can do to mix it up. I borrow work out videos from Netflix or borrow from friends. It helps keep it fun for me so I'm not doing the same thing over and over. It is also good for my muscles.
3. Speaking of muscles, Be sure to include weight lifting in your exercise routine. It builds muscle which speeds up your metabolism and you'll burn more calories at rest. I love the Turbo Sculpt video by Beach Body. P90 is also a good one (You can find both on amazon.com). They are great muscle toning workouts and I highly recommend them. They made a huge difference in my body shape. I try to lift weights two to three times a week. I like the Firm's Hi-Def Sculpt workout too.
4. It takes 90 minutes a day of moderate exercise to lose weight and 60 min. a day to maintain. That seems like a long time but it does work to lose weight. It helps when I break it up by working out a half hour in the morning and an hour in the evening. You can break it up any way you want, but try to go 90 min. of moderate exercise every day.
5. Don't starve yourself or skip meals. Listen to your body. Don't get too hungry because if you do, you will overeat later. Think of your stomach with a hunger scale- 1 being starving and 7 being totally stuffed, like on Thanksgiving. Try to keep yourself in the middle, between a 3 & 5 on that scale. I eat smaller meals more often. It keeps my metabolism going and I eat healthier because I'm not so hungry! I'm in control, not my hunger.
6. Eat breakfast. Eating breakfast starts your metabolism right up and gets it going for the day!
7. Eat slower. Take time to put your fork down and breathe in between bites. Enjoy your food. Take the time to taste it fully using all your senses. Slowing everything down gives your stomach time to tell your brain that you are full. It also helps you feel satisfied with your meal. For more on mindful eating follow this link and be sure to check out the other links too: http://eating.health.com/2008/06/25/how-to-think-yourself-thin/?xid=hts080702&utm_source=health&utm_medium=email&utm_content=body-lede&utm_campaign=hts080702-html
8. Take 20 breaths. Sometimes I get a craving or want to eat when I'm not really hungry - you know, emotional eating. When that happens I practice 20 breaths: breathe in and out slowly, focusing on the breath only. I count up to 10, in and out, then back down to one. By the end my cravings are under control and I can try to figure out what emotional need I have and try to find another solution, something that would really help the problem.
9. I take it one day at a time. I celebrate each success, like if the scale hasn't gone up then I've had a good day. Every time the scale goes down, I praise myself. It helps keep me motivated. I look at the small picture- little steps along the way and that helps a lot.
10. Make SMART goals: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Timely. I started with the goal to run a 5K, not to get skinny. The goal for me has always been to get healthy. After I ran the 5K I had a goal to do it again. Then I went for a 10K. Next was a 10 miler. Next I will do a half marathon and a marathon. I'm even going to try a triathlon! The goals really help me to stay motivated and are a great way to stay on track. See this website for more on SMART goals: http://www.topachievement.com/smart.html
11. Go to bed hungry... not starving, but hungry. If I'm not hungry for breakfast when I wake up than I know I ate too much too late the night before. Our metabolism slows down at night. To keep the weight off, make sure you don't eat too close to bed time. It works.
12. Only this moment... What that means: in this moment all I have to do is get my work out clothes on, not run 3 miles. Then, after I have my running clothes on, all I have to do it get out the door. Then all I have to do is start moving... I break it all down into smaller steps that help keep it achievable in that moment. It works when eating (i.e. only in this moment I will slow down my eating, or only in this moment I will drink more water) or exercising (only in this moment I will push harder or keep going even though I'm tired).
13. I never regret working out. I always feel better and am glad I did it. Before hand I am often tired or have too many other things to do and want to skip the work out. I just remind myself that I have never felt it was a waste of time. I never say to myself "Gee, I wish I hadn't done that workout!" Instead, it's always, "I'm so happy I stayed on target and am being healthy!"
14. I accept that I'm not perfect. I recognize that sometimes I'm going to eat more than I should or some days I won't get a workout in. Instead of beating myself up over it I start over the next day and try to get back on track. I don't give up on my goals just because I had one set back.
15. I got rid of all my clothes that were too big as I went down a size. It took away any option of going back up a size. If my clothes started getting tight again I would take that as a sign to increase my physical activity and watch what I eat until the clothes feel loose again.
16. Set my clothes out the night before. Get everything ready so in the morning it's easier to get out the door! It really does help. Try it!
17. Drink more water. I carry Crystal Light packets with me & use them! It helps me drink more water. I also have the South Beach Diet drink packets since they have a lot of fiber in them and that helps keep my hunger under control. They work for me.
18. Keep healthy snacks on hand for when you get the munchies. I use soy nuts & granola bars for snacks a lot. I keep them in my car so when I'm out and about but starting to get hungry, instead of stopping for fast food, I eat a little something healthy and can make it until I get home or until I can get something healthier.
19. I take my vitamins. It helps me have enough energy to keep going after a hard workout or a long day. It's just healthy and wise. Do it!
20. Go whole grain. I eat less processed foods and more complex carbs like brown rice and whole wheat pastas and breads. It is harder for your body to convert it to sugar and is much better for you and more satisfying.
Well, that's some of the stuff that worked for me. I'm sure you know a lot of it but so many people have asked me about the weight loss that I wanted to blog about it.
My youngest sister came over to bring me a birthday gift and we started talking about getting older and I told her that I had always wanted to run a 5K race. She agreed to train for one with me and we started working out. That's when I found out I had asthma. That started the weight loss and it has been two years and in that time I have gone from a size 18 to a size 6!
My birthday present this year was a cute pair of culottes from Banana Republic that are a size 6!!! They are adorable and I love it! I'm smaller than I have ever been and am very proud of the weight loss but most importantly I am healthy now. I have always set me goal for my weight based on my BMI (body mass index) which takes into account a person's height and weight. My BMI says I shouldn't weigh more than 178 lbs. After two years I have reached my goal of being in the healthy range for my BMI.
So, here are a few of the things that have helped me:
1. Get a buddy! I worked out first with my sister but later with my good friends. Now I have two more good friends working out with me regularly also. It keeps me from backing out when I'm tired if I made plans with friends to work out. It's more fun that way too!
2. Keep it interesting. Find different exercises that you enjoy. I regularly ride my bike, run, walk, do yoga, play basketball, swim and whatever else I can do to mix it up. I borrow work out videos from Netflix or borrow from friends. It helps keep it fun for me so I'm not doing the same thing over and over. It is also good for my muscles.
3. Speaking of muscles, Be sure to include weight lifting in your exercise routine. It builds muscle which speeds up your metabolism and you'll burn more calories at rest. I love the Turbo Sculpt video by Beach Body. P90 is also a good one (You can find both on amazon.com). They are great muscle toning workouts and I highly recommend them. They made a huge difference in my body shape. I try to lift weights two to three times a week. I like the Firm's Hi-Def Sculpt workout too.
4. It takes 90 minutes a day of moderate exercise to lose weight and 60 min. a day to maintain. That seems like a long time but it does work to lose weight. It helps when I break it up by working out a half hour in the morning and an hour in the evening. You can break it up any way you want, but try to go 90 min. of moderate exercise every day.
5. Don't starve yourself or skip meals. Listen to your body. Don't get too hungry because if you do, you will overeat later. Think of your stomach with a hunger scale- 1 being starving and 7 being totally stuffed, like on Thanksgiving. Try to keep yourself in the middle, between a 3 & 5 on that scale. I eat smaller meals more often. It keeps my metabolism going and I eat healthier because I'm not so hungry! I'm in control, not my hunger.
6. Eat breakfast. Eating breakfast starts your metabolism right up and gets it going for the day!
7. Eat slower. Take time to put your fork down and breathe in between bites. Enjoy your food. Take the time to taste it fully using all your senses. Slowing everything down gives your stomach time to tell your brain that you are full. It also helps you feel satisfied with your meal. For more on mindful eating follow this link and be sure to check out the other links too: http://eating.health.com/2008/06/25/how-to-think-yourself-thin/?xid=hts080702&utm_source=health&utm_medium=email&utm_content=body-lede&utm_campaign=hts080702-html
8. Take 20 breaths. Sometimes I get a craving or want to eat when I'm not really hungry - you know, emotional eating. When that happens I practice 20 breaths: breathe in and out slowly, focusing on the breath only. I count up to 10, in and out, then back down to one. By the end my cravings are under control and I can try to figure out what emotional need I have and try to find another solution, something that would really help the problem.
9. I take it one day at a time. I celebrate each success, like if the scale hasn't gone up then I've had a good day. Every time the scale goes down, I praise myself. It helps keep me motivated. I look at the small picture- little steps along the way and that helps a lot.
10. Make SMART goals: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Timely. I started with the goal to run a 5K, not to get skinny. The goal for me has always been to get healthy. After I ran the 5K I had a goal to do it again. Then I went for a 10K. Next was a 10 miler. Next I will do a half marathon and a marathon. I'm even going to try a triathlon! The goals really help me to stay motivated and are a great way to stay on track. See this website for more on SMART goals: http://www.topachievement.com/smart.html
11. Go to bed hungry... not starving, but hungry. If I'm not hungry for breakfast when I wake up than I know I ate too much too late the night before. Our metabolism slows down at night. To keep the weight off, make sure you don't eat too close to bed time. It works.
12. Only this moment... What that means: in this moment all I have to do is get my work out clothes on, not run 3 miles. Then, after I have my running clothes on, all I have to do it get out the door. Then all I have to do is start moving... I break it all down into smaller steps that help keep it achievable in that moment. It works when eating (i.e. only in this moment I will slow down my eating, or only in this moment I will drink more water) or exercising (only in this moment I will push harder or keep going even though I'm tired).
13. I never regret working out. I always feel better and am glad I did it. Before hand I am often tired or have too many other things to do and want to skip the work out. I just remind myself that I have never felt it was a waste of time. I never say to myself "Gee, I wish I hadn't done that workout!" Instead, it's always, "I'm so happy I stayed on target and am being healthy!"
14. I accept that I'm not perfect. I recognize that sometimes I'm going to eat more than I should or some days I won't get a workout in. Instead of beating myself up over it I start over the next day and try to get back on track. I don't give up on my goals just because I had one set back.
15. I got rid of all my clothes that were too big as I went down a size. It took away any option of going back up a size. If my clothes started getting tight again I would take that as a sign to increase my physical activity and watch what I eat until the clothes feel loose again.
16. Set my clothes out the night before. Get everything ready so in the morning it's easier to get out the door! It really does help. Try it!
17. Drink more water. I carry Crystal Light packets with me & use them! It helps me drink more water. I also have the South Beach Diet drink packets since they have a lot of fiber in them and that helps keep my hunger under control. They work for me.
18. Keep healthy snacks on hand for when you get the munchies. I use soy nuts & granola bars for snacks a lot. I keep them in my car so when I'm out and about but starting to get hungry, instead of stopping for fast food, I eat a little something healthy and can make it until I get home or until I can get something healthier.
19. I take my vitamins. It helps me have enough energy to keep going after a hard workout or a long day. It's just healthy and wise. Do it!
20. Go whole grain. I eat less processed foods and more complex carbs like brown rice and whole wheat pastas and breads. It is harder for your body to convert it to sugar and is much better for you and more satisfying.
Well, that's some of the stuff that worked for me. I'm sure you know a lot of it but so many people have asked me about the weight loss that I wanted to blog about it.
Think It's Too Hard to Be Healthy? Think Again!
If you've been fretting that it's just too difficult to be health conscious, these tips are sure to change your mind. With a simple attitude adjustment and the application of even a few of these tips, you'll be on the more-healthy path in no time.
1. Clear out your kitchen cabinets, pantry, and refrigerator of all unhealthy snacks. Forget how much they cost. Just toss them. It's a lot less expensive to toss unhealthy snacks, than to deal with the costs of getting seriously ill.
2. Do most of your shopping in the fruit and vegetable aisle in your supermarket.
3. Cut up the veggies when you get home from shopping and put them into the refrigerator for snacking. In fact, pack up some little packets to bring to work with you for morning and afternoon snacks to eliminate those trips to the vending machines.
4. Plan out menus for healthy cooking on the weekend. When you go grocery shopping, just get the ingredients to make those meals--rather than buying randomly.
5. Plan on eating five to six smaller meals during the day. In addition to your regular meals, have one in the mid morning and one in the mid-afternoon. Do not eat after eight at night. Pretend you are going to have a blood test each morning and that you have to fast.
6. Chew sugarless gum. It keeps your mouth busy and satisfied. Keep a bottle of unsalted almonds in your desk to satisfy an emergency snack craving.
7. If you like crunchy snacks, almonds, celery, sugar snap peas and carrots are great choices.
8. Love ice cream? Treat yourself once or twice each week to a half cup serving. Or, try out some of the lower calorie frozen treats on the market.
9. Avoid eating cake at each and every celebration at work. Those can add up to unnecessary pounds on your body. Keep healthy snacks in your desk so you can enjoy the celebrations on a full stomach.
10. Drink lots of water during the day--six to eight glasses is recommended. This will fill you up and keep you hydrated.
11. Precook some of your entrees on the weekend so you just have the veggies to steam and the salad to prepare. Steaming is a good way of retaining nutrients and vitamins. Make a double portion of dinner so you can freeze it for another dinner when busy--or make a large roast and use it for a few meals.
12. Not enough vegetables in the fridge? Drink a vegetable drink, like V-8. Limit your starches and white flour and sugar.
13. Check the sodium content on packages. Use fresh foods (not the prepackaged prepared foods) whenever possible. Lots of sodium, fat and such isn't good for high blood pressure. Check fat and sugar content and note that a lot of these are hidden ingredients. (By the way, it only takes a few minutes to grill chicken, turkey or fish-- and you can do it on an indoor grill! No excuses for not using fresh foods!)
14. Rice cakes are tasty replacements for bread. Some are sweet, some are salty.
15. Sugar-free Jell-O is another snack that is healthy for you and can satisfy that sweet tooth. With a little light Cool Whip, you actually may feel like you are cheating.
16. One of the easiest ways to loose weight is walking. Loose weight, strengthen your lungs and think about your goals--all at the same time.
17. Have an active get together with friends, rather than always meeting at a restaurant. Meet to bike or walk together. You can catch up on all that has been going on in your lives, while burning calories.
18. Swimming is another excellent way to exercise. Join the local Y or health club.
19. Keep walking shoes at work. Eat a light lunch and then head outdoors to do some power walking. You can get a break from work and come back refreshed and ready to tackle the afternoon.
20. Plan activities with your hands to keep busy, so you don't reach for the snacks. Play games with the kids, read a book, go outside and walk around the block as a family. If you are crafty, start a project to complete. Start dancing. Take an art class.
21. Get at least 8 hours of sleep each night. You'll feel more energetic in the morning.
22. Last but not least, YOU are the only one who can change any unhealthy habits and it all starts with your attitude-- the time to start getting healthier is NOW! Do yourself a favor and make that wonderful decision for yourself today.
(from a newsletter by http://www.getorganizednow.com/ )
If you've been fretting that it's just too difficult to be health conscious, these tips are sure to change your mind. With a simple attitude adjustment and the application of even a few of these tips, you'll be on the more-healthy path in no time.
1. Clear out your kitchen cabinets, pantry, and refrigerator of all unhealthy snacks. Forget how much they cost. Just toss them. It's a lot less expensive to toss unhealthy snacks, than to deal with the costs of getting seriously ill.
2. Do most of your shopping in the fruit and vegetable aisle in your supermarket.
3. Cut up the veggies when you get home from shopping and put them into the refrigerator for snacking. In fact, pack up some little packets to bring to work with you for morning and afternoon snacks to eliminate those trips to the vending machines.
4. Plan out menus for healthy cooking on the weekend. When you go grocery shopping, just get the ingredients to make those meals--rather than buying randomly.
5. Plan on eating five to six smaller meals during the day. In addition to your regular meals, have one in the mid morning and one in the mid-afternoon. Do not eat after eight at night. Pretend you are going to have a blood test each morning and that you have to fast.
6. Chew sugarless gum. It keeps your mouth busy and satisfied. Keep a bottle of unsalted almonds in your desk to satisfy an emergency snack craving.
7. If you like crunchy snacks, almonds, celery, sugar snap peas and carrots are great choices.
8. Love ice cream? Treat yourself once or twice each week to a half cup serving. Or, try out some of the lower calorie frozen treats on the market.
9. Avoid eating cake at each and every celebration at work. Those can add up to unnecessary pounds on your body. Keep healthy snacks in your desk so you can enjoy the celebrations on a full stomach.
10. Drink lots of water during the day--six to eight glasses is recommended. This will fill you up and keep you hydrated.
11. Precook some of your entrees on the weekend so you just have the veggies to steam and the salad to prepare. Steaming is a good way of retaining nutrients and vitamins. Make a double portion of dinner so you can freeze it for another dinner when busy--or make a large roast and use it for a few meals.
12. Not enough vegetables in the fridge? Drink a vegetable drink, like V-8. Limit your starches and white flour and sugar.
13. Check the sodium content on packages. Use fresh foods (not the prepackaged prepared foods) whenever possible. Lots of sodium, fat and such isn't good for high blood pressure. Check fat and sugar content and note that a lot of these are hidden ingredients. (By the way, it only takes a few minutes to grill chicken, turkey or fish-- and you can do it on an indoor grill! No excuses for not using fresh foods!)
14. Rice cakes are tasty replacements for bread. Some are sweet, some are salty.
15. Sugar-free Jell-O is another snack that is healthy for you and can satisfy that sweet tooth. With a little light Cool Whip, you actually may feel like you are cheating.
16. One of the easiest ways to loose weight is walking. Loose weight, strengthen your lungs and think about your goals--all at the same time.
17. Have an active get together with friends, rather than always meeting at a restaurant. Meet to bike or walk together. You can catch up on all that has been going on in your lives, while burning calories.
18. Swimming is another excellent way to exercise. Join the local Y or health club.
19. Keep walking shoes at work. Eat a light lunch and then head outdoors to do some power walking. You can get a break from work and come back refreshed and ready to tackle the afternoon.
20. Plan activities with your hands to keep busy, so you don't reach for the snacks. Play games with the kids, read a book, go outside and walk around the block as a family. If you are crafty, start a project to complete. Start dancing. Take an art class.
21. Get at least 8 hours of sleep each night. You'll feel more energetic in the morning.
22. Last but not least, YOU are the only one who can change any unhealthy habits and it all starts with your attitude-- the time to start getting healthier is NOW! Do yourself a favor and make that wonderful decision for yourself today.
(from a newsletter by http://www.getorganizednow.com/ )
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