Sunday, December 14, 2008

Marathon Mama!

I did it! I ran a marathon! It was an amazing experience and I'm really glad I did it. I ran 26.21 miles in 5 hours and 15 minutes. I beat my time for my last 10K and last 10 miler (I did a half marathon in the time it took me to do the 10 miler back in June). I am not the fastest runner ( My fastest mile is about 9 min. and I couldn't do that for much more than one mile), in fact, I don't really see myself as a runner. Up until 2 & 1/2 years ago I had never gone farther than 2 miles (and I only did that once)!

It all started with a goal I always had to run a 5K. I ran two last year and decided for a 2008 New Year's resolution I would run a 10K this year. I did that in the spring with my great friend Megan. I had so much fun doing that one I decided to try a 10 miler. I did that in June with my sister Veronica and it was awesome, so much so that I decided to go for it and run a marathon.

I felt a little crazy when I registered for the marathon a few months ago. Training for a marathon takes a lot of time- it took me 4 hours the first time I ran 20 miles. Where was I going to find the time?!! I found Jeff Galloway's run/walk marathon training schedule which worked with my busy schedule (I ran 30 min. on Tues. & Thurs. and did my long runs on the weekends). My wonderful husband was so supportive and didn't complain as I left him and my four girls for hours to run.

Most of my runs went really well. It took me four hours to run 20 miles, but I was just amazed that I ran 20 miles! I wasn't even that sore the next day. Then two weeks ago I ran 24 miles and it was painful. I needed new shoes badly and I didn't have the time to break in the new pair before the big race. I had hurt my ankle and wasn't sure it would be ok in time either. The week before the race I prayed a lot and was very concerned that I wouldn't be able to finish the marathon. I asked everyone I could to pray for me. I know those prayers were heard and answered.

I ran and dedicated each mile to friends and family. I would pray for that person and their family during that mile. I prayed for my siblings, my husband's siblings, my parents, my in-laws and several of my closest friends. I even dedicated a mile to this wonderful country that we live in and prayed for the USA and all it's people. I prayed for the soldiers and for the leaders of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I prayed for the missionaries and all those suffering and in sadness to find the Savior and joy through Him.

Praying for everyone took my mind off myself and helped me to focus on why I was running the marathon in the first place. I saved my husband and girls for the last 5 miles. It got really tough those last 6 or 7 miles and when I got to the 21st mile and was dedicating my miles to my girls I started to cry. In fact, just thinking about it is making me cry now. I love my girls so much and part of the reason I did this marathon was to show them that they can accomplish anything they put their mind to. I want my girls to be as proud of me as I am of them. I started praying for my girls and had to fight back the emotions just as I was fighting the muscle cramps in my legs.

As I was running it hit me just how far I've come this year. I would never have believed you if you told me in high school that when I was 34 I would run a marathon. I thought people who ran were gluttons for punishment and more than a little insane. I ran those last few miles and held back the tears as I thanked God for sending me my family and for their prayers for me. I know the Lord helped me to run without injury. My ankle didn't bother me. My new shoes were awesome. I ached but that was unavoidable. I felt the power of the Lord helping me finish that race. I know that the Savior knew my pain (and worse) and was with me every step of the way. I knew my girls had prayed for me and when I prayed for them I felt the Spirit so strong.

Those last 5 miles were the hardest but they were the most amazing to me. I knew my girls would be waiting for me at the finish line. I came around the corner approaching the finish line and there they were and the tears started up again. I gave my girls all high fives and made it across as they announced my name and I could barely hold back the emotions as I was hit with a wave of gratitude for my Savior. I know that with God all things are possible. I know that God made this marathon possible for me.
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1 comment:

  1. I am so proud of you girl! What an amazing accomplishment!!! Way to inspire us all :)
