Friday, August 29, 2008

I'm going to run a marathon!

Yes, I think I might be crazy but I'm only going to do one. It's in December and I'm training- running long on the weekends. I'm following Jeff Galloway's marathon training schedule found here: which has me running 30min. on Tuesdays and Thursdays and a longer run on the weekends.

The race is in Charlotte- The Thunder Road Marathon. I am a bit nervous but I am really proud of myself for going for it. My New Year's resolution was to run a 10K (just over 6 miles) and I did that back in April with one of my best friends. Then in June I ran 10 miles with one of my sisters. No one is willing or able to join me for the marathon yet, but I won't let that stop me. I am taking it one run at a time.

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