Sunday, October 26, 2008

Happy Halloween!
We went to a haunting howliday party this weekend and had a great time! There were 3 Sarah Palins, 2 Edward Cullins and an assortment of White Trash couples along with the usual monsters like us. We took advantage of my DH's height and went with Frankenstein and his bride. This is the first time he was willing to wear face paint! He even shaved his beard for it (YEAH!) and let me spray his hair black for the night. He made a great Frankenstein, if I do say so myself! I made the neck bolts myself. You can find directions on the internet- thanks to all those creative people who took the time to post it online!
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  1. hey there, i finally have tapped into the life of jennifer and it is so fun...after our talk it has been on my mind. looks like you are having lots of fun...i will be sure to tune in for more. love ya
