Saturday, December 20, 2008

love letters on the wall

My daughters love each other. I'm grateful for that really. What I'm not grateful for is how they express it how my 7 year old wrote a sweet letter to her 4 year old sister ON THEIR WALL IN CRAYON.
"Dear Olivia,
I Love You.
You are Pretty.
Notice the wall has been well decorated. They used all sorts of mediums for their art: lipstick, markers, crayons, pens, pencils and nail polish. How did they get this wonderful stuff? They took it from their 12 year old sister's room, of course! They had a great time while I was out running one day (Dad was home with them and thought it was great they were playing so quietly upstairs)! The art is mostly gone now, thanks to four Magic Eraser cleaners. I ran out and will have to get more to finish "erasing" their artwork but I wanted to keep this extra special part of their art that I hold dear in my heart.
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1 comment:

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